Divine Purpose
"You are creating your next moment. That is what's real."
Sarah Paddison
Every day, I do my best to be aware that I am a human being with a divine nature.
Yes, I laugh and I cry, and I find myself emoting happiness as well as sadness, and everything in between. That is the human experience. I can stay in the place of judgment, even of my emotions, and that usually doesn’t move me closer to my divine purpose. Once an emotion is present, there’s no stopping it. Stifling emotions in the body creates an energy block, and in my understanding, eventually dis-ease. Emotions are energy in motion. Moving that energy of emotion and feeling and releasing what isn’t serving my higher nature is vital (as in vital signs of life). Reaching for what best serves my higher nature helps me connect more with my divine nature. For myself, I do a lot of this energy moving through dance and the 5Rhythms practice of Gabrielle Roth. Sometimes I play some music I like to sing to (usually something fun or even humorous). I also bring awareness to my body and my breath, whether I’m sitting at a computer working, or standing in line at the local grocery store.
You can try this exercise right now. As you sit and read this, bring awareness to your breath. Notice the breath coming into your body, and notice the breath leaving your body. If you sit with a backrest, notice how your back feels as it leans into the backrest. Is your spine straight, or is your posture a little slumped? Is your abdomen loose and full or tucked in and tight? Notice these things with curiosity. You don’t need to change or judge anything. Simply bring awareness to your body. You’re in the presence of your divinity simply by observing your body-awareness in the present moment, without judgment. You're focusing on your essential state of being; your body is where this expression bursts through to create your experience.
When I choose to penetrate the human shell of protection and I become fully aware, of my emotions, my judgment of those emotions, and the fear that drives my judgment, transformation has a chance to take hold. I can choose another experience. In an instant, I can choose; it’s about decision and choosing to have another experience and release the old experience. That choice of selecting another experience is more about discernment than judgment, and opening up to what I want in my life, instead of feeding the fear of what I don’t want.
The best metaphor for observing that place of transformation and choice is by simply noticing the breath. There is the inhalation, there is the exhalation AND there is the space between inhaling and exhaling. The space that connects the inhalation and exhalation is the place of nothingness and infinite possibility, the void where all is possible.
When I’m engulfed within that timeless, placeless state, I can ask myself, without the filters of my story, if I’m “on purpose” in allowing my divine nature to come through. When the answer is a resounding “yes”, I know I can have whatever I am seeking to manifest in my life.