Serving Two Masters and Integrity
I will admit it; I’m not a Bible reader. I think the Bible has a lot of very deep and profound messages to offer on life. I don’t even think I own a Bible. There are messages that resonate with me and come through me from a place that’s beyond my ego self, and some even from the Bible. When those messages come through, I dwell deep within that wisdom that is beyond me, yet within me; I look at what the message means to me, and how my life reflects that message.
When I feel like I’m operating in a place that isn’t in faith, trust, and love, I ponder this message that has come through my consciousness repeatedly for many years:
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
Matthew 6:24
My interpretation:
"When one thinks, says, or believes one way, yet one’s holds an opposing belief, or takes actions reflecting something not in alignment or the same energy to the first thought, conversation, or belief, the strongest belief will “win” out. One cannot serve two opposing beliefs."
I had to look up mammon. (Details, details.) A rough definition is “wealth regarded as an evil influence”. I thought since that word didn’t work for me in this instance, and the word God doesn’t work for a lot of people, instead I put my own words in for substitution.
I believe there is the duality of our humanness. I am the shadow and I am the light. I couldn’t delight in the joy of my world without the contrast of the despair that I might experience with something taking place in my world. I believe I am the “the alpha and the omega”, as are you. We are connected by energy, an energy of oneness. Our world is a reflection of our energy. The integration of my human self with my spiritual higher self allows me to feel that connectedness.
Yet, when I hold a thought about the desire to be abundant, and look around and don’t hold beauty and value in this very moment with my life as it is right now, to me, I am serving two masters. And the strongest belief wins out
In the Ford Institute for Integrative Coaching’s Breakthrough Program’s eleventh class, we are talking about integrity. Integrity is serving the one master. To me, integrity is when one’s actions, conversations, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are in congruent or in alignment. When someone is operating with integrity in the world, their core beliefs and conversations mirror their actions. That person takes responsibility for who they are and how they operate in the world. There is no “lip service” of hearing someone say one thing and doing another thing; that person reflects what they say and believe in their actions. That person is congruent.
I’ve looked at the past and know fully where I was not in integrity. Those reflections aren’t proud memories for me. When I can, I did my best to correct what I was able to fix, as long as the fix wasn’t using my retired tools of guilt, manipulation, and projection. Some things I may never have the ability to fix. I acknowledge the work I’ve done in this area of my life and the work I continue to do on a daily basis. My key to this daily work is the energy of forgiveness. I have had to forgive myself for a lot of things I have done in my life I wasn’t proud of. I don’t hold resentments or ill will to anyone, living or dead. Say what you will about Dr. Phil, but I really like his ten life laws. Life Law Number Nine is: There is Power in Forgiveness. Forgiveness frees up my energy and helps me to take responsibility for my emotional well-being. I also continuously ask for support with my journey from people, since I really want to create an extraordinary life with the tools I am learning to use, and reaching out for support offers me accountability. I enjoy being a support to someone’s transformational journey, too.
I strive to be more conscious of serving the master of love instead of fear.