Sunday, March 15, 2009

When Life Isn’t Fair… How are You Going to Respond?

Right now, things are topsy-turvy in our world. Globally, financial institutions seem like people diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. One day up, the next day tanking. People are following suit, reactive to the outer world. There's been a lot of denial, poor choices, and a blatant lack of responsibility.

I’m not saying this as a victim, but life isn’t fair. So what can I do to respond, stay grounded and maintain my bearing, when the compass isn’t reading the directions of North, South, East, and West in the usual way?

As an observer, how is it that I can have a great credit score, have never had any late payments with any bills, never have filed for bankruptcy, have equity in my home and work for myself, and still be turned down for refinancing, while people who have been late for payments and trashed their credit over and over be offered greater financial options and lower mortgage payments on their property that might have been foreclosed on.

I do everything in my power to be responsible in my choices and actions.

Yes, life isn’t fair. Yet, how I respond is the only guide to live by. And being 100% responsible is the guiding compass that points me in the direction of where I desire to go. I have to stop reflecting what is going on with others, and really steer the course of my own ship, and stay the course.

I may not like how thing are, but if I stay attached to the belief that they should be different, I am not only asking, I am begging for my own dose of suffering, resentment, and righteousness. I become a victim. I will insist on blaming someone else for situations and circumstances in my life, and I ultimately will be giving my power away.

I don’t consciously surrender my personal power to others these days. I used to, but being a victim isn’t very empowering. Coach training and being coached allows me to take actions that will propel me toward what I want, instead of focusing on what I don't want.

I do surrender my positions to my spiritual practice, with the sincere acceptance to see situations and circumstances in a way I can learn and grow from. I have never been disappointed in that simple act of letting go of the thoughts, beliefs, and positions that don’t serve me, and to ask for that willingness for acceptance to permeate through every cell of my being. I have always been supported by the spiritual source I come from, and eventually will return to. If certain thoughts don’t serve my higher self, they don’t serve the greater good. Then I will be contributing to the global toxicity, instead of allowing a greater good to flow through me, and open me up to new possibilities.

With that action of willingness, acceptance, and surrender, I really can serve the world, with authenticity and humility. That's a response that could ignite a quiet revolution! Try it!