Everyday Possibilities
What thoughts come to mind when your day begins?
Do you awaken with a smile on your face, or groan at another day? Do you look forward to the possibilities of what fun you might have? Do you allow life to wash over you, like the warm waters of the morning shower, and with feeling the sensation of warmth, wet, the aroma of fragrant soap, do you breathe in all those sensations, living and being in the moment? Knowing that all in your life is good and rich with possibilities?
Life is life. It can be more or less, depending on your point of view.
I have sweet companion animals of the feline variety, and I feel fortunate that they chose to live with me. Before I go to sleep, and when I awaken, one of the first things I do is to say "I love you" to those gentle, sometimes annoyingly loud before 5 a.m. creatures. Whatever they do, and however they are in the world, and they are both quite different, I honor their presence, and their differences. I honor how they can love unconditionally. I marvel at the ability to purr. So far, my physical body isn't able to create that spontaneous vibrational sound, that most definitely heals and soothes.
I also honor my presence in the first waking hour of my day. I look in the mirror and smile. I honor my physical presence, which is changing with the passing days, yet still appears familiar. I honor my spiritual journey, and awaken to know it is all a spiritual journey. There is no place where spirit is not. I look forward to my day. I think to myself, "what could I do today that would be fun?". I always do my part to be open for whatever "happy accidents" I might stumble across.
You have the power of choice. Allowing yourself to be open for something wonderful to fill a space in this day, this very moment, might be your first step to awakening to your unique possibilities.