Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Everyday Prayer

Gracious Spirit

  • Allow all my actions to be motivated by love.
  • Allow me to be detached from all outcomes, and allow the Universe to surprise and delight me.
  • Allow gratitude to permeate every cell of my physical being, to spill over into my thoughts and deeds; grateful for even the painful experiences as they open the door to great teachings and wisdom, and the pleasurable experiences, as I relish and savor each delicious offering with curiosity and awe.
  • Open me up to more giving from my heart, and more receiving with my heart, as this is the way energy and abundance circulates.
  • Allow me to recognize I am always held in the unified field of love and abundance, where all possibility exists.
  • Let me suspend all judgment in all matters, including myself.
  • Allow silence into my life, as well as breath.
  • Inspire me to choose consciously; as I choose for myself, I also choose for the larger community.
Let me be used, O Beloved Spirit, to be sourced and resourced, to be filled, and emptied, and filled again, as I journey passionately in this life.

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